This six-lesson study guide reviews critical issues for men from a man who loved God and lived that out daily. Each lesson has the potential of being a soul-searching experience with many benefits in your journey ahead with God.
Message from Marsh: “May your personal walk with the Lord lead you to be transformed, renewed, and blessed.”
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PRAY: A suggested opening prayer for small group members or individuals to invite God to connect as we seek Him in his Word. Feel free to add your own words, “in prayer.”
Dear Lord, as we embark on this journey to learn from the life of David, we come before you with open hearts and minds. Grant us wisdom to glean insights from his triumphs and challenges, and help us apply these lessons to our own lives. May we grow in faith, perseverance, and leadership, just as David did, and may your Holy Spirit guide us through this study. May the words we read and reflect upon deepen our relationship with you and strengthen our walk with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lessons from David
As the shepherd of the family’s sheep and goats and being the youngest of eight brothers, David was relegated to the fields and streams. He could not dream how God would use him in the future.
Samuel anointed him King of Israel fifteen years before Saul died in battle. David’s ups are well known from his killing of Goliath, to his dancing in the streets as he welcomed the Ark of God into Jerusalem. But he also had some downs, from King Saul’s assassination attempts on him, to living in Philistine territory and being responsible for six hundred men and their families. Through it all, David was “a man after my [God’s] own heart” (Acts 13:22).
David married seven women with Bathsheba being the last. He experienced the death of Bathsheba’s first child, the murder of Amnon by his half-brother Absalom, and Absalom’s death in the forest of Ephraim during his rebellion against him. The death of Jonathan, his best friend and Saul’s son, the heir to the throne, also punctuated his sorrow.
Anointed King in his teens, he did not become the actual King until thirty years of age. Then he reigned for forty years. David experienced a full life. He chronicled his relationship with God through the many psalms he penned which expressed his joys and struggles in his rise from shepherd to King.
We could assume because he lived his life nine centuries before the time of Christ, in an agrarian society, that lessons from him would be irrelevant to the hustle and bustle of our lives today. However, the lessons learned from the crucial life issues he faced apply to men of every century.
This series reviews critical issues for men from a man who loved God and lived that out daily. We trust you will find each one a soul-searching experience with much benefit in your journey ahead with God.
Continue to Lesson 1 – Success
Or use these links to navigate to various parts of this study:
Intro | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6
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