Saving America’s Corporate Soul: One Overworked, Undervalued, & Stressed Exec at a Time

by C. Marsh Bull, K. Wilson

Do you know why the middle management position is the “most difficult” position today in corporate America? It’s because these individuals have now become known as, “conflict managers.”

If you are a ‘middle manager’ you are constantly dealing with conflicts, strife and competition between the vision and direction from senior management along with the ambiguity and gray areas that arise as you lead and manage all the employees to reach today's challenging corporate goals!

The clock is ticking not just on your continued tenure and success as a middle manager but also, on your mental and physical health, wouldn’t you agree?

This book gives you the exact FIVE SECRETS to live the corporate and family life you dream about… Every. Single. Day!

Benefits You’ll Receive Right Away -

  • Tame the Corporate Animal within You

  • Move from Self-Discovery to Self-Love

  • Eliminate Worry, Anxiety & Stress

  • Discover True Peace & Joy

  • Learn the ‘Five Secrets’ Formula for Living Life

Remember this, YOU ARE THE GLUE that holds an organization together!

I KNOW where you are coming from! I am one of you. I have the scars and awards to prove it. I’ve trodden the path you are on and I know this book and my wisdom can help you get and enjoy the life you yearn for.

I ultimately spent four decades in the corporate world working for Fortune 500 companies such as Continental Can, Xerox, Honeywell, American Express, and IBM. And maybe like you, I have frequently run into walls asking myself; “Is this all there is to life?

If you are willing to make the changes suggested in the ‘Five Secrets’ and begin to say to yourself, “I WANT TO CHANGE and EMBRACE A BETTER LIFE?” then this book was meant for you!

Now available on and other book stores. You can choose between paperback for $11.99 or Kindle for $4.99.

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