Even when we have God by our side and His spirit in our heart, it is sometimes difficult to feel peace and contentment in our hectic world. At least for me, this is frequently the case.

The idea is to, “Let Go & Let God.” This means letting go of all the circumstances and situations that stress us and divert our attention from Him. It means trusting God to handle every challenge we face, heart aches we feel and losses we endure.

For me, it is much easier “to think” about letting go than, “actually letting go.”  I do love and trust God, but my independent “human nature” is strong and too many times, I don’t “fully let go.” I continue to believe that I can change things and somehow am in control of my current and future circumstances.

Just re-reading these poems again gives me peace. My hope is that reading the poems will do the same for you. If you are currently stressed, frequently unhappy and sometimes worried about the future, you might try writing about your feelings and what is bothering you. I have found the simple act of writing our worries down and giving them to God in Prayer really does help.

The poems below reflect the feeling of peace, contentment and joy when we are in that special place of trusting God with our lives.

NOTE: We offer a short Bible Study "Feeling Peace and Contentment" to help you in area.  (CLICK HERE TO BE TAKEN TO THAT STUDY)


Feelings of Peace

I feel peace now

Such a relief
to accept my destiny
Fear has disappeared
Excitement reigns

My heart is open

My eyes see clearly
through uncertainty's fog

I accept the love waiting,
when we trust Him

So at peace
At ease
At rest

Waiting for my
journey to unfold

Through my
faith in Him 

11/05/1998 On a fight
to White Plains, NY


I am Happy

I am so happy
you are with me

Feelings of thanks
Feelings of gratitude

Thank you God for
shinning on my wife

Blessings for both of us
For answering prayers
For the warmth, 
of Your touch
The security of, 
your blanket of love

Bless our families

Families near
and far away
We heard your
words of hope
We hear your words
of encouragement
We feel your words
of Prayer

 Thank you close
and dear friends

We feel your presence
We hear your prayers
We know you
arewith us

We give thanks of love
We raise our
hands in praise
We are in awe
of Your Power
We accept Your
Love freely

We are prepared
for the future
Fully gratified
for what lies ahead

Our hearts

Radiate Your Love
Reflect Your Touch
Magnify Your Caring

We are together as one
As You intended for us

11/20/98. For Arlene at
Swedish Hospital, Seattle



Quiet morning on the river
Peaceful feelings arising
from the earth
Peaceful feelings
surrounding us
Peaceful thoughts
from above
We feel serene

What is serenity?

Where does serenity

Why do we feel

Can we create

Can others make us
feel serene?

A beautiful word
A beautiful feeling
A beautiful state of mind,
or state of being

Serenity must come
from somewhere

Can we manufacture
serenity on earth?
I don’t think we can,
I know we can’t

Serenity is a gift to us

A peaceful state of mind
A peaceful feeling inside
An anecdote for our hectic
earthy existence

Serenity sustains us
Serenity must come
from a higher place

Serenity is a "combat
tool" from above

Serenity is an
instrument to;

Erase our tears
Brush back our fears
Eradicate our earthly
need to be in control

Serenity is essential our
long term survival

12/04/1999. With friends at
Selden's cabin
on the river


The Joy of Living and Loving

Peaceful plains
Rolling meadows
Luxurious valleys
Hills of grain swaying
softly in the wind

Graceful images
locked in the sun’s rays

Feelings of contentment
Peace engulfs the
air I breathe

Dark clouds lost forever
Gray clouds brightened
by the sun’s rays
Peaceful winds blowing
away every feeling of pain

Why do I feel peace?
I don’t know

A hectic, very
busy time in my life
Too much to do,
not enough time

Probably the
busiest time of my life
But yet, probably
the happiest

My life is in  
absolute harmony  
Harmony of love
Harmony of loving
The harmony of loving
and accepting love

These are fresh, 
optimistic feelings
But, my feelings
are not of a joyous mountaintop celebration

My feelings are similar
to animation in mid air

I have the freedom
to go up or down
The freedom to
love and feel pain

Or,  just to feel blessed
and happy of my life now

I have been waiting
for the mountaintop
Or a deep valley
before me

I have arrived
at a place to
glow and grow
To glow in the light
To grow in the light

Freedom to feel God’s
Love reflected on my face  


070101. Coal Creek Chapel