In support of the topic "Living in a Gray World", we were drawn to the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes.
The first two Chapters describe life "under the sun" which is viewing life from a only a human perspective. In other words, living life without any consideration of God. Living life without God is repetitively described as futile, vain or "chasing after the wind."
In Chapter 3 the writer, (many commentators believe the writer to be King Solomon) goes on to say that God has "set eternity in the hearts of men" This is a reminder that there is more to life than just, the "sum of our human existence".
The writer alternates in Chapters 4 through 11 between reminding the reader about the futility of "life lived under the sun" or outside of God's perspective". The writer concludes in Chapter 12 that everything in life comes down to a simple requirement, "Fear God and keep His Commandments".
The overriding theme in Ecclesiastes is that we make life "gray" because we fail to acknowledge God and His all important place at the center of the equation. As a result, we reap continued emptiness from our human endeavors. Only by starting with God and keeping Him at the center of our life, can we truly experience life as it was intended to be lived.
Chuck Swindoll did a great sermon series several years ago when he was Pastor at the E Free Church in Fullerton, CA. He turned the sermon series into a book, "Living On The Ragged Edge". The book does an excellent job of bringing the Book Of Ecclesiastes to life.
Swindoll's book is a classic and an excellent Study Guide was developed for it as well. The Study Guide can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
Swindoll's Ministry is "Insight for Living". Hi book can be purchased on Amazon by CLICKING HERE.